Hackerschool tutorial at Jane Street
The below post is mostly lifted from an email I sent to the Core mailing list. It explains the type hackery we employ in order...
On Friday morning I discovered a Raspberry Pi on my desk. The Raspberry Pi is a small single-board computer powered by a 700MHz ARM CPU....
Jane Street is deeply invested in OCaml and in the larger OCaml community, which we depend on both for the new recruits it provides as...
Jane Street gave a collection of talks at the collection of conferences colocated with this year’s ICFP. For me, the most exciting day was the...
So, whilst rooting around on one of our servers’s /var/log/*, I noticed that nslcd was attempting to look up, as usernames, apparently just regular strings...
Dell’s OMSA (Open Manage Server Administrator) tools are quite nice, but the 6.5.x (and prior) version’s installation process did not lend itself to being automated...
Sometimes we need to inspect a lot of systems at once and its annoying to have to wait a long time for a result. What...
Just because a file system is lazily unmounted (or so claims the mount command and /proc/mounts), doesn't mean it is no longer in use. Here's...
I sent a link to Yaron Minsky’s article OCaml for the Masses to some long time buddies of mine and one of them said that...
We use a lot of S-Expressions at Jane Street. Almost every system written at Jane Street in OCaml uses sexps for config files, and we...
Imagine that you want to host a Linux machine outside of your own physical control. Imagine that it can get resold later to people who...
The upcoming ML workshop is September 13th in Copenhagen. The goal is to bring together users and researchers, with users particularly welcome to propose a...
The 2012 CUFP call for presentations is out. CUFP is the Commerical Users of Functional Programming workshop, and it’s a great place to interact with...
So. Had an interesting problem happen. On a CentOS 5.5 system (2.6.18-194.26.1.el5), an attempt was made to establish a 3-way LACP-style (aka 802.3ad) bonded NIC...
So, today we’ve had us a wee bit of an issue with our OpenLDAP servers – to LDAP clients, the server, on attempts to do...
Once we’d fixed up all our message IDs (see part 1) we let imapsync loose on the first few beta testers who noticed that the...
One of the little joys of being a sysadmin is being able to solve a problem by composing a highly specific tool out of a...